Friday, July 15, 2011

Gel Air Freshener

My mom is the crafting queen.  My childhood was filled with tons of creativity. My mom has more imagination in her little finger then most people have in their whole body.  Growing up we never threw away a cereal box, paper towel or toilet paper roll, anything with creative potential was saved.  I am so happy to see my mom has not missed a beat when it comes to her grand kids.   She has ideas saved up form newspaper articles, children's books, web sites, and from her memory.  I have enjoyed seeing all the neat things my kids make after spending the afternoon with "Mimie".

I had to share this one with you.  
As I will all the others in another post...
All you need is:
2 Envelopes unflavored Gelatin 
1tsp or more of some perfume or other fragrance
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 cup ice cold water
Food coloring 
A small jar like a jelly or baby food jar

Mix the gelatin and hot water in a bowl until the gelatin in dissolved. Stir in Fragrance and food coloring, then the ice water. let set in a cool place. ( do not put it in the frige)  

This smelled so good. You could cover it with some pretty fabric and tie it with a ribbon and it would be a nice gift your kids could make for family at Christmas.


  1. Love this, with one in diapers still, I need this. Thanks for linking to bacon time. Following with GFC. :)

  2. I loooooove this! So much that I had to add extra O's to love. ;) I have been wanting to make candles. So I have been saving up glass jars. Welp.... I now have an even better idea to do with those jars. Thanks to you blog!


  3. Ok, THIS is so clever!! What a great gift this would make!

  4. Love this! My daughter would adore this craft.. she is always out in the yard concocting different "perfumes" and housing them in recycled seltzer bottles! She would love to make these for Christmas gifts! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo party.. can't wait to see what you share next week!
    And of course I am your newest follower!

  5. Love this idea! It would be great if you came and linked some of your ideas to Lovely Little Snippets!

  6. Oh wow, what a great idea. I never have seen anything like this.

    This post is going in my to do one day file..... :)

  7. Oh my, what a great idea. We are going to try this for Christmas presents.

  8. Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing.....NeeCee... come and visit at

  9. This is going straight to PInterest ... what a fabulous idea!!! Thanks so much for sharing it and your sweet thoughts on your special mom!

  10. Cool! Does it dry out at all? Just wondered if alcohol based or oil based perfume works best. I have a few baby food jars kicking around...

  11. I would think, it would dry our after some time. As far as the type of perfume works best, I don't think it makes a difference. I have not made this my self yet, this one was made by my mom and kids one afternoon. She used alcohol based perfume. There is something I found after 2 weeks of being all closed up tight with a lid (because we were trying to save it) it showed some mold growth. So I would recommend using it right a way.

  12. This is awesome. I'm going to make one for my room. Tnx for shareing.

  13. I am a new follower LOVE this idea and can't wait to make some for my house. Please follow back. Thanks!

  14. What a fabulous idea! I've spent so much money on air fresheners over the years - can't wait to give this a try.


  15. is this a candle? or do you just keep it open? how long till the scent fades away?

  16. How long does this usually last? Great idea! definitely trying :D

  17. Others have put in a pinch of salt to help keep mildew away.

  18. I would want to use natural oils with this but am afraid that the heat would destroy them. Is there a way to make this all natural?

  19. What about using essential oils instead of the perfume? They'd be natural, and I'm guessing wouldn't mold. Looking forward to trying this.

  20. Just made some of these with a green apple/citrus scent. They already smell delish and they haven't gelled yet lol. Thank you so much for this!!

  21. Could you use flavored gelatinas part of the smell and the color (such as Strawberry or Cherry)?

  22. What do you mean by envelopes of gelatin?

  23. it's interesting,maybe you are better than our chemical engineer


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