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Andrew Jesky & Heather Kaluf |
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Our girls, Jewel Michelle, Maizy Peas, and Sabrina Belle (the cat) |
Andrew and I have been dating for 8 years now, but I have known him for 10.... It all started when I was 16 and he was 14.....
My dad worked for AMA (American Modelers Association) in Muncie, Indiana and was the technical director there. When the annual Nationals (NATS) were going on during the summer he would work late some nights and I would go with him when he needed my help. There was one particular week every year that I enjoyed helping my Dad, it was called the Pattern Nationals for Precision Aerobatic also known as Pattern Flying. People from all over the country would come and compete to see who the best of the best were; I was what they called the "Runner". I looked forward to this every summer because my friend Carmen would come with her dad and we would be the Runners together. We got to drive a golf cart all day! What kid wouldn't want to do that??? It was awesome!! Carmen and I would be in our bathing suits getting a tan while having fun. There were always a lot of people (guys) at this particular contest every year, and we made new friends from all over the USA. Carmen and I became the famous "Runners". I have stories but that could be another whole article!! After a few years we finally got to the point where we didn’t want to do it anymore. The last time we did it was the summer before I started my senior year. (Carmen too) That’s the year I was told "Heather! there’s is a boy from Michigan competing that is just in love with you." I wasn't thrilled at all.... I actually didn't care. But curiosity got the best of me so I went to see who it was, I went to the site where the competitors where flying and tried to figured out who it was. It was Andrew Jesky.... He was shorter than me and two years younger than me!!!!!! Well it was a rule of mine that I was never going to date someone two years younger than me or even shorter than me especially when I am 16 and he is only 14!!! So with the manners that my parents taught me I met him. I was nice, and invited him to take a ride with me on the golf cart. (lame right?!?!?!) Well we talked and yay.... I took him back to where he was flying. In the mean time Verne, Andrew’s caller was wondering where he was, Andrew was supposed to help him with his flight, Andrew made it back in time but he heard Verne mumbled under his breath…girls…. trouble….stay away.!! Verne is a good friend of ours to this day, and each year at Nationals time he brings up this story; and the tale keeps getting bigger and bigger every year!!
Well summer was ending, and it was coming to the end of my senior year. I got a phone call one day from my mom at school; she had told me that an Andrew Jesky just called to talk to you. I said "Who?" I had no idea who it was. That day when my dad got home from work I asked him who this Andrew Jesky was, he said he is a pilot from the Pattern NATS. I said oh OK..... wondering how in the world he had gotten my phone number. Well long story short, I guess I gave it to him! Still to this day I can’t remember when I gave it to him. I called him back and we talked.... He sent me gifts, I sent him gifts.... he wrote me a letter, I would write him back... This went on until the following summer when it was time for the Nationals again, I had agreed to meet him when he got there. I got the phone call that he was in town, so I had just gotten off work and I am standing and waiting to talk to him, I was wearing a white shirt and black pants.... (I worked in foods, catering mostly) I am sure I had some food on me, but for some reason I didn't care what I looked like. I just wanted to be polite and keep my promise. All of a sudden I see Andrew in the distance he was wearing a light blue NC shirt a ball cap and some jeans with white shoes.... I will never lose that picture. He was kneeling down while putting his wing on his plane and all I am thinking is wow he has grown up... I was in love at that moment :)
We talked and went through the whole week hanging out every chance we had, it was an AWESOME week, a summer to remember!!! Later on that week we became a couple, and we have been dating ever since. We are coming up on our 8 years together this July and we are so happy together, a year ago Andrew was offered a job in Utah and I made the move from Muncie to be with him, it has been a year since we moved in together.
The airplanes are still in our lives, if not more than they ever where. Andrew has made a nice career out of it and has even designed his own airplanes! I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. Check out his plans here.... www.3DHobbyShop.com
Us at Reno Air Races! Awesome!!! |
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Photos Taken By: Fred Midget In these photos is an airplane of Andrews that he has designed, called the Osiris. Its a pattern plane :) Sold at 3D Hobby Shop. Andrew also has a series of videos that he is doing with Fred Midget. Check out his site www.HigherPlaneProductions.com |
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