
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tree Topper Bow

I love Christmas! All the things you can do and you never seem to be able to go overboard. 
This year we have two trees in the house. Thanks to Andrew's parents, when Joe and Rose moved here they brought us a tree from Tim and Linda that they have kept for us so one day we could have it. Its a nice 7feet tall, fat, tree, and it has the big outdoor lights on it. Its not easy putting these lights on. I have scratches on my arms and there are 4 extension cords on the tree. I wanted to do this tree for Andrew so he could have the memories of being home with his mom and dad. So this tree has become Andrew's. Which is fine since I have my tree too.

Mine is a penguin fashion tree. All the ornaments on this tree are ones that my parents have given me through out the years, and everyone who has ever given me a penguin ornament. My mom even gave me a really nice set for entertaining that is silver and white penguins. (there is penguins all over our house at Christmas) I LOVE PENGUINS! There is just something about them that amaze me in many ways.

Rose and I laughed about this the other night, but as you can see it really GLOWS.... We call it the National Lampoon Tree. Chevy Chase I have the glow in our house. :)

Here is my bow, I thought I was getting carried away making it. But it actually fits the tree great, I just kept making loop after loop. The tails were added on after I made the bow. All twisted together.

I love our tree in the front room. if only I could keep the dogs from going behind it. They love to sit at the windows and watch outside. We don't have ornaments yet to fill the tree, but as the years go by I know this one will be covered!



  1. that is an amazing glowing tree! I've love you to add it to my what we wore and made party over at

  2. it really does glow! lol love both of your trees =)

  3. Lovely! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  4. I love your giant bow! It makes the whole tree look like one big present. Penguins are a so fun for winter, they can stay out after the holidays with no odd looks! Thanks for sharing, new follower from Junk in their Trunk.

  5. I Love the bow, please come over and add it to my new Show Your Stuff party:

  6. I love how your tree glows! It's the bow on top too! I'm your newest follower from the craftomaniac party. I'd love you to stop by my blog & maybe follow along too!


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