
Monday, December 5, 2011

Crafty Lassie Tuesday Link Party #16

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Rose and I had another Craft Fair and we did GREAT.... The headbands are a hit. We had almost 300 headbands and we cam home with maybe half of them.   We would love to keep going to more this month, but we both really need to get going on Christmas gifts. I know I haven't even really started on any of the ones I want to make. 

Time for the features.... I just loved every single link this week.
But here are the ones that really caught my eye.

By: Lisa's Craft Blog

This is just Gorgeous! It looks delicate and so fragile, would love to make some of these for our tree.

By: Creative Chaos

So neat! The cool thing about this is we all probably have the supplies in or around our house. This is just a fun way to add decor to your home for Christmas.

By: Tousled Day

I think this is a wonderful gift for any girl/ woman as a hair clip or a brooch. Would be great for a homemade Christmas Gift.

Love how elegant this looks for anyone's home.

Now lets look over the rules and get onto the PARTY!

#1: We would love for you to follow our blog. Not required though. We love all our followers! The more the merrier. :)
#2: Link up your crafts, recipes, home decor, an about you....anything you like. Make it family friendly though.
#4: Please make it a {specific} post on your blog and not a link to your main page.
#5: Link back here by grabbing the link party button on sidebar and posting it either in your post or somewhere on your blog to let others know were you party.
#6: If you see something you like, leave them a comment. Everyone loves comments, We sure do!
#7: By posting a link to our blog you give us the right to use your picture and a link back to your blog in a feature on our blog, should we feature you. :)


  1. Happy to be joining you this week...hope you enjoy my four apron!

    Janet xox

  2. Rose and Heather, thank you for hosting!

  3. Thank you guys for hosting the party! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  4. Happy to be here! Thanks for hosting!


We LOVE comments! It makes are day happy!