
Friday, December 2, 2011

Home Made Granola Christmas Gift

I just think mason jars are so cute and a vary nice way to package a gift.  Not to mention affordable ,much cheaper then the tins or boxes you can buy this time of year.  I have made some granola for my family and these jars are how I am giving it.  I added a ornament to spruce it up and voila, nice gift.  Food is a great thing to give, I find people are touched when you take the time to make them something.  Here is the granola recipe I used.  It is vary good you'll like it.


  1. What a pretty project and a great gift girls! You did a wonderful job! Angie xo

  2. Stopping by from Petite Hermine. This is a good idea! I have been collecting jars for Christmas and Im going to add this to my list. Thank you :)

    If you get a chance I would love for you to link this up to my Friday party going on now :)

  3. I love the idea of homemade food as a Christmas gift and nothing's better than homemade quality granola - it's pretty pricey storebought! I found you through Ask Anna's link party, so glad I did!

  4. I am really jealous. There is definitely a place on my kitchen sideboard for one of these. What a good idea!

    I would love it if you would come and share this at my Christmas link up this week.

    Hope to see you there,

    Rosie x

  5. That's a fantastic idea. I've never thought of doing granola for a Christmas gift, but it's terrific.:)

  6. what a lovely gift perfect snack and dressed up so pretty come see me at and see what I shared

  7. what a great gift I'd love you to add it to what we wore and made party over at

  8. These are so neat! What a great gift idea! I'd love for you to link up to my Christmas Linky Carnival.

  9. What a nice gift idea! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  10. I agree, I love fun stuff like this as a gift and for gifting! Thanks for sharing at Mrs Foxs Sweet Party!

  11. This is such a cute idea! It's going to be perfect for my MIL! I linked to you on my blog,

  12. Such a great idea!! I'll have to keep this in mind for next year's Christmas gifts!! I'm pinning it now!

    Thanks for sharing this on the Take it on Tuesday blog hop!!

  13. I had never thought of using this as Christmas gift...i will keep it in mind.

    Send gifts to pakistan


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