
Friday, November 25, 2011

Printable Gift For Dad

Now that Thanksgiving is over it is time to think about Christmas and gifts. I am starting with Dad today. 
I don't know why but sometimes Dads can be hard to buy for.  Especially if you are like me and are doing a hand made Christmas. (Which is a good option if you are trying to save money at Christmas time.) It has been my experience that men are not easy to please when it comes to homemade gifts.  I don't know if they understand the sentimental value of a hand made gift.  Yet, I try any way.  (When it comes to my Dad, he has kept and treasured a "Worlds Best Papa" coffee mug I gave him for Christmas as little girl.)   This has inspired me to make some simple but sweet printables for Dad, and so I share them with you.  You can frame them, which is what I did, or you could Mod Podge the picture to a canvas.  There is a great tutorial on how to do that right...

For the Printable just right click on the picture and save them to your computer and print.  I hope you enjoy them. 

I'll make some for Mom too, so keep a look out for those coming soon.

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  1. These are SO sweet!!! Thanks for sharing this on Fancy This Fridays! :) Especially during a busy Holiday weekend!!!

  2. Hi,Rose and Heather,
    I love this post! I have a link-up on Wednesday, and I would like to invite you to join in. It is called 'Encourage One Another'. I like your blog so much and think it would encourage others. I'm at starting at MN tonight (hopefully)! Thank you for considering this :)

  3. Thank you, girls!! This is so cool...I am learning something new everyday!! I will definitely be back:)

  4. These are so sweet and inspirational. Thanks for sharing. Thanks so much for linking up to Things I’ve Done Thursday!!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  5. What a beautiful saying for Dad! Thank you so much for sharing this!!

  6. Although Christmas is a joyous occasion for everyone, nothing beats the excitement that children feel during this season. Christmas Gifts for Dad


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