
Friday, November 25, 2011

First Thanksgiving

There are many moments in my young adult life that serve to remind me
I am a "Grown Up".  Even after having 3 kids, being married for 8 years
and moving all the way across the country, away from my family, I still
am coming across those life experiences that only bring me closer tomaturity, this year it was Thanksgiving.  I normally  love
Thanksgiving because the cooking was left to the parents and grand
parents, the people with the experience and the know how.  I
loved showing up to Grandma's house and smelling all the food and all I had to do
was to relax and enjoy, but not this year!!!  Heather and I had to
figure out the Holiday all by ourselves.

We split up the cooking responsibilities between us and the guests who
were coming.  I had the turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, gravy,
salad, and Heather had Ham, cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn and
the responsibility of hosting the party.

So about 2 weeks before I bought my turkey I did a lot of research
on how to cook turkeys.  I settled on a recipe, I was scared.
All our friends who were coming to Thanksgiving dinner were also away from
their homes and families. I did not want to be the one who brought the bad turkey to
dinner, that would make everyone more homesick on this holiday.

So after much fretting and a interesting day of baking, a call to Mom,
my Mother-in-Law, and my Gramma for advice, recipes, and just to be
calmed down, dinner was finally done.

Here is the results, the turkey was so good, moist and full of flavor
(thanks Food Network).

The first time turkey carver.  My husband.  He did an awesome job!

Heather's ham was the best ham I ever had!  And I don't like ham all that much.

Heather and Andrew

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