
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yummy After School Snack

Hi every one.  Since school is in I thought I would share a wonderful snack that has been hitting the spot for me since I was a kid.  This snack was thought up by my mom when I was a kid. I don't know how she came up with it but let me tell you, if you are craving some chocolate give this a try.  If you don't think it looks good, to you I say, don't knock it tell you try it. 

What you need is:
Flour Tortilla Shells
Peanut Butter
Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
A Microwave

Spread a couple T spoons of peanut butter on the tortilla, not to much or it will get really drippy.
Then take a hand full of chocolate chips and sprinkle them around. The next thing is to pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds. When you take it out the peanut butter will be hot and the chips will look the same as the did before you nuked it.  This is OK.  Take a knife and spread the love.  The chocolate will melt as you mix them together.

Role it up. Yummy.

Trust me you kids will love it and so will you.


  1. You all will love it! I (Heather) remember, about a year ago now, when we were living in different states and Rose told me about this. I tried it that day and it has been a quick snack of mine all the time. So YUMMY!!!!

  2. That sounds great! Add a little marshmallow fluff and we have a s'more!

  3. That sounds so yummy!

  4. Yum! I'm totally going to try this! Maybe I'll even share it with my kids! Thank you!

  5. Oh wow!! That sounds like a sweet treat!! :) Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!!!

  6. You are being featured at Kidding Around Friday! Come on over and grab a button and link up again!
    Amanda and Katie

  7. I am going to try this with my littles. So yummy! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing. I am going to feature this tomorrow:>


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