
Saturday, September 3, 2011

The New Headband, Creative Thinking at Work

Hi to you all.  Heather and I have been brainstorming about the headbands we make. There has been a minor problem with the design and so we set out to fix it.  The picture below is a shot of the problem... This is the original design of the ends on the headbands. Looks pretty but the issue is, the ends grab and get tangled in the hair. It is not as bad as it sounds,  I have been waring the headbands this way for 2 years now and I find that I can put them in and take them out with ease. But when it comes to kids the ends seem to get more tangled then parents would like.  So we come up with a solution  all the headbands now will be covered in a smooth coating glittered for "pretty-a-fication" and dipped with the smooth coating again.  We have tested this and it works well.    The ends slip in and out easily.

So now we have a to sell all the headbands with the old design.  If any one would like to have a headband at 50% off come see the store. 

The New Design

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