
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Our First Craft Fair!!! Done

Well it is over... our first craft fair. That is me, Rose on the left and Heather on the right.  And first I must say we had fun. This was a small event in a small town in Utah.  Since we had never done a fair before and we thought is would be nice to get our feet wet with a Small town show. With this being our first one in this area we did not know what to expect. But it was a blast, I have to say we will be doing this again. 

I must be honest I was stressed out the week leading up to the show. Heather and I crafted our selves to death and still felt we did not have enough things to sell.  I was feeling burnt out and the show had not even started.  But once the day arrived we were pumped.  I could not sleep all night in anticipation.  I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve. 

The Headbands were a huge hit!! We had to restrain our selves from doing the "Happy Dance" every time we made a sale. *Everyone loved the idea that Rose thought of with the headbands. We handed out a lot of business cards, So hopefully our Etsy sales will pick up too.* I laid awake again after it was over thinking about better ways to display our headbands for the next show. I (Heather) did the same thing!

So, just hang on to you hats because we are on a role. We can officially say that we are bitten with the Craft Fair bug!


  1. I love your post! I help to organize a huge Holiday Craft Market for our PTO every year. I get to greet the vendors and check them in. Now I understand why they are so excited when they arrive. Love your booth too!!

  2. You guys did great yesterday! It was so fun to see you both with all of your stuff set out. I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself's & did good with sales! :)


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