
Monday, November 28, 2011

Crafty Lassy Linky Party #15

Welcome to our Crafty Lassie Tuesday Link Party!!
Here are the features for this week. 

I wish I could have one in these I just fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. This is from Adventures in Creating.

This is so fun.  I just wish Thanksgiving was not over yet just so I could make this for my kids. This is from Polkadots on Parade.

This is form Southern Lovely,  How beautiful is this tray?  She did such a good job, if you feel the need to have one then stop by her blog and see how she did it.

OK, I must say these are fabulous.  From Alderberry Hill.  I just wish I had some Birch Trees around here where I live in Utah.  I am so attracted to the rustic and and traditional Christmas decorations. These remind me of my home in Michigan where trees are every where.  I miss trees...

Lets Party
#1: We would love for you to follow our blog. Not required though. We love all our followers! The more the merrier. :)
#2: Link up your crafts, recipes, home decor, an about you....anything you like. Make it family friendly though.
#4: Please make it a {specific} post on your blog and not a link to your main page.
#5: Link back here by grabbing the link party button on sidebar and posting it either in your post or somewhere on your blog to let others know were you party.
#6: If you see something you like, leave them a comment. Everyone loves comments, We sure do!
#7: By posting a link to our blog you give us the right to use your picture and a link back to your blog in a feature on our blog, should we feature you. :)


  1. Aw, thank you so much for featuring my tray! What a great surprise! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thanks so much for the feature!! I hope you like what I linked up this week!

  3. Thank you so much for hosting! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  4. What a GREAT blog! Thanks so much for hosting this party! I'm excited to link up!!!

    I'm excited to be your newest follower!!!
    Aimee from

  5. Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful week!

  6. Thanks for inviting me! I'm always excited to find a great new blog and a linky party! I'm a new follower. I hope you'll follow me back but no pressure.


We LOVE comments! It makes are day happy!