
Monday, November 14, 2011

Crafty Lassie Tuseday Link Party #13

Welcome all to our 13th Link Party!

We are both super busy this week, On Saturday we have our first Craft Boutique! So we are working hard to get a good inventory. Not really sure what to expect, but this is a great way for us to get our feet in the water. Both of us nervous and excited!

Here are our pick for this week.

Owens Olivia has done it again. Should we be surprised?  No... These are beautiful!

These are too cute, Just love recycling clothes. These are form the wonderful Brassy Apple.

This is amazing! I can't beleave how good this looks.  From Salt Tree, she did such a good job.

DIY Coat/ Purse Hanger
Just love this idea! So at my house (Heather) I do not have a coat closet on the main floor. It annoys me horribly! So i have hooks on the front and back of our basement door. When I saw what Chris made for Kayla, I fell in love and have to have one! Check out Kayla's Creations.

Now onto the party!

Here are the Rules:

#1: We would love for you to follow our blog. Not required though. We love all our followers! The more the merrier. :)
#2: Link up your crafts, recipes, home decor, an about you....anything you like. Make it family friendly though.
#4: Please make it a {specific} post on your blog and not a link to your main page.
#5: Link back here by grabbing the link party button on sidebar and posting it either in your post or somewhere on your blog to let others know were you party.
#6: If you see something you like, leave them a comment. Everyone loves comments, We sure do!
#7: By posting a link to our blog you give us the right to use your picture and a link back to your blog in a feature on our blog, should we feature you. :)


  1. Happy to be here! Thanks for making it a great party each week!

  2. Thank you for the feature! I really like the sweater leggings! I might just have to make me a pair. Wait, I need boots first. :)

  3. Oh, and I forgot to mention good luck this Sat!!!

  4. Thanks so much for the feature! Have fun at your craft show this Saturday I'm sure you guys will do great! =)

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