
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fun Little Snapy Bag Tutorial

So these bags are so fun, easy to make, and have so many little uses. 
The opening opens up and snaps shut as soon as you let it go.  It is so fun to play with with you will fidget with it all day.  The best part is they are fast, cheep and easy to make.  You will love to make them and give them to your friends.

You need some scrap fabric. 
Cut it into one 14"x7" rectangle.
Two 7"x3" rectangles.
Two 4"x4" squares.
Two 6" cut pieces of tape measure (from the dollar store).

First take the 7"x3" rectangle fold in half length wise right sides together. Sew along the seem. Make sure you have enough room to slide you tape measure in the rectangle.  This is the casing for the measuring tape. do the same to the other one.

Next take the square, fold it into a triangle.

Fold the triangle in half. It will look like this...

Place the triangle on the short edge of you larger rectangle of fabric. 

Place the casing for the measuring tape you just sewed on top of the triangle lining up the raw edges.

Pin and sews edges together. (you can add the measuring tape before you sew, get as close to the tape as you can with ought hitting it with your needle. Or you can sew the pieces together with ought the tape, just remember to sew on the inside of the seem you already placed on the casing for the measuring tape.

Do the same proses to the other end of the bag.

Now you have to add the measuring tape. When you do the the curved side, or convex side, of the tape measure needs to be facing the outside of the bag and the concave side will be facing the inside of the bag.

Fold the bag in half right sides together and pin the seems.  Be sure to pin the tape measure in place so you have enough seam allowance on either side.

Sew the seam and add a zig-zag stitch to secure it. Trim off the extra seam allowance.

Turn the bag right side out. Now you have a cute, fun, little, bag.  Hope you enjoy it.


  1. What a cute little bag! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!


  2. Such a cute bag - I can see me making a couple of these in 'boy' fabric for twin nephews to keep their top trumps / match attacks cards in!

  3. What an awesome idea using the tape measure. Very creative!! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing!

  4. wow i love this! i totally want to make it! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. SOOO awesome!I love anything that snaps! :) Featuring you today here:

    Thanks for linking up and Happy Monday!

  6. Wow!!! It is really nice.. I appreciate this.
    Thanks for sharing all this.

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  7. my mom made me one and the ends of the tape measure cut right through the fabric and sliced my finger! put duct tape or something over the ends!!!

  8. I was hoping to find a printable pattern (pdf). Do you have one?


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