
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tomatoe Garden on the Porch

Hi to you all, I had a wonderful time in Michigan with my family, we stayed with my in-laws, Tim and Linda whom I must say thank you for being so hospitable. They opened their home to us of a whole 5 weeks.  It was so refreshing, and now home seems a little closer.
Now I must share this wonderful idea Linda had.  She planted her tomatoes in large tubs and placed them on her deck.  First of all this is a good thing if you don't have the space for a garden or you don't want to tear up your yard for one, but this looked so pleasing too.  The plants added a wonderful ambiance to the porch, I will be doing this next year.   Everyone who came over commented on the great idea of planting your tomatoes in a pot.  If your try this just remember to drill a hole in the bottom of the pot so the soil can drain.

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