
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sweet Verbena: Simple Bow Tie Top

I found this tutorial, the Simple Bow Tie Top over at Sweet Verbena. I loved it the moment I saw it and just had to make it. I had everything on hand except some fabric for the straps which also make the bow.

It was so simple to follow and to make, I now want to make a dress the same way. When I went to Illinois, I found some fabric for .50 cents a yard!! I only bought 4 yards but I should have probably bought the whole bolt. Oh well, I have 3 yards to make something with. So back to my point, Alexandria my brothers girlfriend sewed when she was in 4 - H and she happen to have her machine handy. So, with me walking her through every step she made one too, with the .50 cent fabric I found.

I really think this is a good sewing project if you are just starting out or just getting back into sewing. Check out all of Katy's other tutorials, she does a wonderful job on explaining and what she comes up with just amazes me! I have this top on my list to make, have all the supplies ready, just need to make it.

We just wanted to also remind everyone that we are having a sale in our Etsy Store, Sew Stylish Boutique.. use coupon code blog25 and receive 25% off anything in our store!


  1. They look fab! I love my sewing machine, couldn't live without it now! Now google friend following you, Karima x

  2. Thanks so much for commenting on my rope balls they would look great in your beach themed bathroom. I will be sure to stop by your link party next week!

  3. SO DARLING!!!

    I gave you a blog award. Come check it out!

    Take Care!


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