
Friday, August 12, 2011

Frozen Caramel Mocha

Rose and I are major coffee drinkers! We find ourselves on craft days just drinking coffee all the time, which can be bad since coffee can take your hunger away. With the heat lately drinking hot coffee in the middle of the day doesn't sound the greatest or really cool you off. We were hanging out earlier this week and I was just sweating! So Rose Pulled out her Frappe Maker.... which I would love to have one...But you really don't need one. Just a blender and a coffee maker or espresso maker. This recipe is good for making two drinks at one time. (about 16oz)

What you need:
Coffee maker
2oz chocolate syrup
3oz caramel syrup
1 cup white milk
2 cups ice
1 cup of coffee or 4 shots of espresso

Add all the ingredients into your blender and blend away! Grab a glass and enjoy your Frozen Caramel Mocha. If you have chocolate milk you can use that instead of the chocolate sauce and the milk. 


  1. Thanks so much for posting this, can't wait to try it! =)

  2. It's like you've answered my prayers! Thank you so much for posting and sharing on delicateCONSTRUCTION's linky!!! I can't wait to make one of these.

  3. mmmmm that looks yummy! I am definitely going to make this one!

    I would love for you to come share at my week long blog party, Blog Stalking Thursday!

  4. As soon as I give birth and no longer have gestational diabetes, I am sooo going to make this. Ha!


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