Monday, August 22, 2011

Crafty Lassie Tuesday Link Party #2

It is time for another Link Party!!! We had so much fun last week. Thanks to all of you who linked up, you made our day.  There were so many wonderful things that is was hard to pick just a few to feature. Heather and I both have picked some for our favorites.  I think, I Rose, must be hungry Because I just realized I picked food items.  OH-Well.

But first, before we get to the Features we would like to anounce out first give away.  Yea!! Are you ready for it? Here it is...
Red Flower Headband
Red Flower Headband Red Flower Headband Red Flower Headband Red Flower Headband

This headband is exclusively from our Etsy Shop Sew Stylish Boutique.
All you have to do is this,  link up to our Link Party, check out our store, follow our blog,
lastly leave us a coment letting us know you did so.   If you already follow us then just leave a comment letting us know you want to enter in the giveaway. We are using generator to pick the

Good luck to you all.

Now here are this weeks picks.

From The Moody Fashionista...

Teeniest Tiniest Ice Cream Cone

From The Seven Year Cottage...
Frozen Banana Bites, Bananas, Chocolate, Sprinkles, Chopped Nuts, Cookie Crumbs, Popsicle Sticks, Boardwalk, Banana Pops
Banana Bites

From Kaylas Creations...

How to make Origami Flowers

From Choose to Thrive...
Saving Ugly Betty

From Just Another Day...

Faux Metal ArtWork

Thanks again to everyone that linked up last week! Now lets get this party started, don't forget to leave a comment. Now for the rules...
#1: We would love for you to follow our blog. Not required though. We love all our followers! The more the merrier. :)
#2: Link up your crafts, recipes, home decor, an about you....anything you like. Make it family friendly though.
#4: Please make it a {specific} post on your blog and not a link to your main page.
#5: Link back here by grabbing the link party button on sidebar and posting it either in your post or somewhere on your blog to let others know were you party.
#6: If you see something you like, leave them a comment. Everyone loves comments, We sure do!
#7: Help us spread the word about *Crafty Lassie Tuesday*
#8: By posting a link to our blog you give us the right to use your picture and a link back to your blog in a feature on our blog, should we feature you. :)



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my banana bites, and for hosting!

  2. Hi, thanks for hosting! Now following along :)

  3. I linked a project and became a follower!


  4. Thanks for hosting and checking out my site. I'm your newest follower. I'd love for you to come link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party.

  5. Thanks for hosting & inviting me!
    New follower,

  6. Thanks for hosting crafty lassie Tuesday & featuring my origami flowers! I love link parties because you can always find a lot of great ideas, please enter me in your giveaway! =)

  7. Thanks girls!
    I hope you will follow my blog for future crafts & recipes!
    I posted my homemade ice cream with no machine.. as well as my DIY envelope gift bags! Thanks for stopping by my blog & I am going to add you to my linky parties page! :)
    I'm new to blogging and am loving the blogging world. :)

  8. Thanks for the invitation to link up, I'm a new follower!


  9. Thanks for inviting me over! I linked up and added your button to my post. Your store is great! I especially love the baby booties...even though I don't have any babies and don't plan on it for awhile, they are ADORABLE!

  10. Also - I'm not sure if it's just my browser or not - but it looks like your blog isn't wide enough for 5-wide links. I only get to see 3 and a half links on each line. :P Just wanted to mention it in case you don't see the clicks you're expecting?

    I was just going to email you to say this instead of commenting, but your account is setup for no replies. :P

    Good luck with the party!

  11. Thanks for the invite to link up. I added my oreo coffee cakes and became a new follower:-) Thanks for hosting!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me to the party! Keep a look out because I am doing a tutorial for the J.crew Bloomers Knockoff.


  13. Hi! First time linking up and new followers! Thanks so much for hosting!

  14. Following and linked up my Magic Play Dough! Thanks for the invite!


We LOVE comments! It makes are day happy!

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