
Saturday, July 23, 2011

I have made it to Illinois

My trip went really well, The first flight was good, sat next to parents with a 6 month old baby girl. I now have an idea for a onsie refashion, because of what the little girl was wearing. When I told Rose she was laughing, only because our minds never seem to stop! Stay tuned, It will be posted on the blog when I get back to Utah. But anyways, everything went well on the second flight. Had a two hour overlay in Minneapolis, so I decided to walk to my next gate, D4 - A11, long walk, sure killed time. :) It was a good flight, thank goodness for those window seats. I was so tired after getting up early, i kept trying to take a nap on the flight. Just as I would snooze off, I would be waking up because my head would fall forward. Oh well!      

If some of you don't know I do have a horse, Caydee Mae. She lives with my parents along with thier horses. I gave her a bath today... well it didn't last long....

Here we are after the bath...
<<<Yes I am in a dress and its Jersey Knit, and no I didn't make it. (I was asked that question a lot today) Plus, I have what they call in the country world my poop boots on, and yes they are Zebra! Love that Zebra print, Caydee even wears Zebra.>>>

Back in the pasture, starting to roll.

On her back flipping from side to side.

Have to itch that neck too.

Covered in dirt, she thinks she is pretty now.

And yes, my horse will sit like a dog after rolling. Then get back up on all four hooves. So much character!

All done and All better after her roll.

I was so glad to see my horse again!

You have got to try Sweet Corn raw and freshly picked from the stalk, So yummy! Just like eating candy. Also, you can put your corn in the microwave for 4 minutes, it will be perfect. So much better than boiling it. When you boil corn it takes all the sweetness out.

Interesting story about our dog Maizy... She was named after Mazie Corn.... Which is Sweet corn, so we call her Maizy Peas, just like Peas and Corn. =)

It has been crazy hot these few days I have been here. Heat index has been like 104! Crazy, but I am loving every second of it. I sure missed the humidity. I am here in IL till Monday morning... Sad to go but I will then be heading to Muncie, IN where the Worlds will be held, I will have tons of news as that week goes. Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a good trip! Your horse is beautiful & so are your zebra boots! =)


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