
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Our summer, full of new tops!

When Rose and I go shopping together, we find it hard for ourselves to buy tops. We will take them off the rack, examine how its made, and then just put it back and say "Oh we can make this". It has gotten so bad that we are now addicted to fabric and making our own tops, the both of us have bought so much fabric for tops in the last week that the clerk knows us by our first names! We went to Walmart one day ended up leaving with 5 different fabrics to make new shirts out of. We alson go to Joann's and buy fabric! What makes it so bad is they just opened up a Joann's right in our town, just down the street. it's hard not to stop. We can't buy just a yard anymore, the magic phrase has turned out to be, oh just give me 3 yards please.

We have also been looking through books, and blogs for new tops that everyone else has been doing. Rose found this neat book called One Yard Wonders at our local Library. Best book to have! It is great sewing projects that you can make, yep with just one yard of fabric. Rose has made her first tank top out of this book and it turned out great!!! I am now going to make that my next top.

But what I want to do, is as we (Rose and I) go through our spring/ summer season. I want to show you all the new tops we have been making. Below you will find pictures of the top I just finished making from a New Look pattern, The pattern is from Joann's and it was only $3.99! Can't beat that price for a pattern. Here is a link to the pattern on Simplicitys site. Pattern of the top I made

Well here are some pictures. I was happy with the top when I was done with it. Although I did the top with the ruffle on the bottom. When I put it on I liked it, but felt like a little girl and that I could only wear it with leggings, so I took the ruffle off and just made myself some bias tape and put that on the bottom. 

We will be posting all of our new tops as we get them done :0)


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