
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Make Your Own Lick and Stick Stickers

I am a parent of three young kids.  As anyone with children will tell you, Trying to do  anything with your children around is a challenge to say the least.  If you don't have kids just look at any mom at Walmart trying to grocery shop with her kids. Her face will tell the story.  The check-out lane seems to be the place of holly terror for me. " The Valley of the Shadow of Death " sounds more inviting then the weekly trip to the grocery store.
What does this have to do with making lick and stick stamps?  You may wonder...
I am leading up to that.  I want to start a series for parents. Called...
                                                    Survival Tips For
                                                    Moms and  Dads
This will be a series of tested and approved child care tips from experienced moms and dads. Including advice from you who are reading this blog.  If you have any tips that fit under the categories below or any good parenting advice please send it in via email to .  (specify the category and keep it short and to the point.  I will chose a few to post as I cover each of the categories).
                                                   List of Categories
1:   "I'm bored"
(a)... activities for younger and older children,  including crafts, cooking, and games.
2:    Copping with Clutter (toys)
3:    Food Tips
(a)... feeding baby
(b)...Getting your kid to eat veggies
(c)... Table manners
4:     Potty training
5:     School days Survival
6:    Chore tips
7:    Discipline
8:    Laundry
9:    Boo-Boos and Owies ( Health and safety)
10:   Self Esteem
11:   Traveling with children
(a) car activities (etc.).
12:   Parties
13:   Babies
(a) new born survival
Now finely I will start with the (I'm Bored) category
Make your own lick and stick stickers.
You will need:
White liquid glue.  I use Elmer's.
White vinegar.
Paint brush.
Tiny pictures, your child's art work, or old stamps.
Mix 2 tsp. glue with 1 tsp.vinegar.  With a small paint brush paint the back of the pictures. Lay them flat painted side up, make sure they are not touching one another.  When completely dry lick and stick.
P.S.  You can use this recipe to replace the sticky on the back of stamps or an envelope.

Thank you,

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